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All writing, photographs, and recipe instructions on this blog are copyright My Gluten-free Kitchen, LLC (© 2012-2019). Please do not repost my blog text, full recipes and/or photos on your website or print material.  You are welcome to share one full-sized image on your blog only if it includes a follow link to the blog post for the recipe, and you do not print the recipe or instructions on your blog post. For any other use, please contact me for permission.

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Rebecca Watson

Wednesday 12th of June 2024

Hi Michelle! I used your "Best Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies" recipe to conduct an experiment for a college course. I just realized I'd like to list your recipe as a resource for my lab report. I just want to confirm that this is ok with you, and on a side note, to thank you for your recipes.

Covid triggered my dormant gluten intolerance and I've been gluten free since then except for a bad mistake at a restaurant in Italy. In spite of learning "sanza glutine" I think my plate was mixed up with that of someone else. Or they poisoned me! haha

Thanks so much for your site! I love to bake, and I'm also a Boise area resident so it's fun to refer to your site as I know you're a neighbor!

Sincerely, Rebecca